Draft West Country Water Resources Plan

West Country Water Resources is pleased to publish this Statement of Response to stakeholders’ comments on the first Draft Regional Plan for the West Country region, published in February 2023.

This Statement of Response is a result of the 12-week public consultation on the West Country Water Resources Draft Regional Plan, held between 01 February and 21 April 2023.

The report sets out how we are responding to the issues and concerns raised during the consultation. The main report sets out background to the consultation process and summarises the consultation responses we received. In this report, we have grouped responses by theme and provided our high-level response to the issues raised under each of the themes.

We want to thank everyone who found the time to respond. All the responses received are equally important to us and will be fully considered as we revise and update the plan as we work towards publishing the Final Regional Plan in late 2023.

We strongly believe your feedback will improve our Final Regional Plan and future work to ensure we can continue to meet the water supply needs for communities and businesses in the West Country, whilst protecting our precious environment long into the future.

You can download the Statement of Response and the accompanying Appendices below: 

    • Appendix A - Inter-regional reconciliation report 3: Commonality of approaches summary
    • Appendix B - Draft Regional Plan - Table of feedback comments and our responses
      • Part 1: Best Value Planning and Decision Making
      • Part 2: Engagement and Collaboration
      • Part 3: Environmental Destination
      • Part 4: Supply and Demand
      • Part 5: Strategic Resource Options
    • Appendix C - Emerging Regional Plan - Table of feedback comments and our responses
    • Appendix D - West Country Water Resources webinar presentation
    • Appendix E - West Country Water Resources webinar questions and answer


The West Country Water Resources Group has produced the first draft of its Regional Water Resources Plan.

This draft document is the first ever regional water resources plan for the South West of England, which sets out the long-term water needs for the region up to 2050 and explores options to respond to those needs.



WCWRG Pilot Catchment Reports

 - Summary Report 

 - Dorset Stour Catchment (+Figures)

 - Poole Harbour Rivers (+Figures)

 - Bristol Avon (+Figures)

 - East Devon (+Figures)

 - Tamar (+Figures)


To support the gathering of feedback, the Draft Regional Plan (above) was open for public consultation for 12 weeks from the 1st February to 26th April 2023.

Our consultation on the Draft Regional Plan has now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We are now considering all of the comments we received and how these can help us improve the Regional Plan. We will also publish a Statement of Response, detailing how we have considered and responded to all of the feedback we received.

Thank-you for your continued support for the West Country Water Resources Group.


Draft Plan Feedback